We don’t do everything. We do business law for business owners and entrepreneurs.
The choice of business structure is often the first big decision an entrepreneur will take, whether that’s in starting a business or in growing or reorganizing their business. We routinely advise and act for clients starting their business, whether that’s as a sole proprietorship, in a general partnership or limited partnership, though a corporation, or as part of a larger business structure. We help clients reorganizing their business structures as our clients’ businesses grow, as new investors or partners become involved, as succession plans develop, and further to tax-driven re-organizations.
Good governance can help a business run smoothly and minimize risks and liabilities. Bad governance can mean failure is pulled from the jaws of success. We offer clients experience and expertise on corporate governance matters, ranging from governance requirements and best practices, directors’ and officers’ liabilities, as well as shareholder disputes and shareholder activism.
Buying and selling is the core of commercial law. We routinely advise and act for clients who are buying or selling assets (whether personal or real property) or shares of businesses, and frequently review, negotiate, and prepare the documents required to structure and complete the transactions.
Get it in writing and check the fine print – these things matter. We offer clients significant experience in reviewing, negotiating, and preparing a range of contracts and agreements, from template sale of goods or services agreements, employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, service agreements, lease to own agreements, to complex financing agreements or agreements dealing with technology and licensing or franchising matters.
Borrowing and lending are daily activities for some businesses, but the terms and conditions of each loan can make all the difference. We advise and act for clients who are borrowing or lending monies and frequently review, negotiate, and prepare loan agreements and the security instruments, and provide opinion letters and other documents required to secure the loans.
Raising capital is not a straightforward as asking for investors to write a cheque. Raising capital and bringing investors into your business requires careful consideration of application securities and corporate laws and regulations, as well as the practical impact that new investors bring to business structures. We advise and act for clients who need to raise money and seek investments in their growing businesses, and we advise and act for clients that are investing in businesses.
The workplace is a potential minefield for businesses. To help clients navigate the landscape, we advise and act for clients on employment matters, helping them negotiate and prepare employment agreements, contractor agreements, human resources policies, and navigate and respond effectively to workplace issues.
An entrepreneur’s or a business’ intellectual property is often their most valuable asset. We advise and act for clients on a range of intellectual property matters and frequently advise clients on how to identify, protect, and commercialize their intellectual property.
Start-ups are businesses much like many small to medium-sized, owner-managed, or family business. What’s special about start-ups, however, is that they need to be able to innovate, adapt, and revise their business quickly (often on short notice) while planning for the rapid growth of their businesses. We understand the cash flow issues start-ups face, and we enjoy the thrill of innovative, developing businesses, so we offer special billing arrangements to certain start-ups.
Business decisions get increasingly complicated as new considerations become relevant as businesses approach insolvency. We are experienced in advising debtors, creditors, receivers and trustees in a range of insolvency situations. We have experience helping debtor businesses successfully restructure their operations; we have acted for secured creditors to help protect their security and maximize their realization on secured property; and we have counseled monitors, receivers, trustees on security issues and in insolvency proceedings under both the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).